
Vote for the next circles

1. Upvote for the next Circle

Vote for the Circle you want us to host and find a mentor to host

2. We'll launch upvoted circles

We'll launch Circles that reach a threshold of 10 upvotes.

3. Receive a discount code

If your Circle is selected, you'll receive a discount code to join this Circle

Eng Directors

Transitioning From Tech Leader to Business Leader

Bashir Eghbali

SVP Data Cloud Acceleration at Zeta Global

This Circle will guide Engineers, Managers and Directors in transitioning from a pure technical management role to a successful business leader. We will focus on understanding what you get paid for, why you should change direction, what to focus on, and how to effectively communicate and tell a story. Join me on this journey to success!

I have been working in the tech industry for over 15 years and have been helping to mentor and guide people through the transition from a tech leader to a successful business leader. I understand the challenges and nuances that come with the transition and am eager to share my knowledge and experiences with you. I'm excited to introduce you to the tools and strategies that have helped me make that transition myself.

Technical Founders

Technical Foundations for Early Stage Startups

Learn the best practices and apply them in your day to day work at your early stage startup. In this Circle, I'll share my hard-earned lessons from building and maintaining software for startups used on a daily basis by thousands of technical entrepreneurs. We'll cover Building successful products, Maintaining Reliable Software, and Engineering Values, Team & Culture.

I have extensive experience in software engineering in early-stage startups. My background and knowledge of the industry can help you achieve success and grow your career. I'm excited to share the lessons I've learned and help you become a better mentor, engineer and leader.

Eng Managers

Building and Leading Efficient Teams via OKRs and Goal Setting

Deekshita Amaravadi

Engineering Leader at Justworks

This Circle provides Engineering Managers with less than 2 years experience the tools and methods to build and lead efficient teams via OKRs and goal setting. Participants will be introduced to the key concepts and best practices of leaderhip, team building and goal setting in order to better manage their teams and unlock their full potential.

I started off as an Engineer about 10 years ago and decided to make a switch to Engineering management about 3 years ago. During my initial days being an EM, I had to figure out how to zoom out from my IC mentality to a Leader and influence my direct reports to succeed in their careers. I'm excited to share my experience and help others make the transition to engineering management.

Eng Managers

You are Moldable, Yes? How to Leave the Mold and Thrive

Sneha Singla

Director of Engineering at Salesforce

Are you feeling stuck in your role? Are you feeling conflicted with others or yourself? Discover how to break the mold that is keeping you stuck and how to thrive in the workplace. Through this Circle, I will introduce you to the concepts that I have practiced personally and professionally and have seen breakthroughs in conflict resolution, collaboration and decision making abilities. I am excited to mentor and guide you through this journey!

I am a professional coach and have given this talk multiple times at conferences. I have seen the benefits of breaking the mold first-hand and am passionate about helping others reach their full potential. I am excited to mentor and guide participants through this Circle to help them find their own breakthroughs.

Eng Directors

Empower Teams with the right OKRs

Yan Collendavelloo

Senior Engineering Manager at Meta (Facebook)

In this Circle, I will help Engineering Directors set the right OKRs in their org, and empower their teams to exceed their goals. I will share how equip teams with the necessary skills and resources to achieve success and motivate them to stretch themselves. Join me and learn how to set OKRs that will help take your engineering teams to the next level!

I have extensive experience leading teams of engineers of up to 100 engineers to set OKRs and nail their goals. I will be sharing how we set OKRs from my own experience at Meta or in a smaller start up. I'm excited to help Engineering Directors create an environment that will empower their teams to exceed their goals with OKRs!

Eng Managers

Balancing Product & Engineering Roadmap for Eng Managers

Anand Safi

Director/ Head of Data Engineering at Zinnia

This Circle is designed for Engineering Managers leading a team of ICs. Through this Circle, I will introduce effective techniques on how to prioritize and execute on a set roadmap, manage interrupts and produce a unified product + tech roadmap.

I have 10+ years of experience in Product & Engineering Management, including developing and delivering roadmaps, managing resources and leading product development. I'm excited to share my knowledge and experience to help participants develop the skills and knowledge to effectively balance product & engineering roadmap.

Eng Directors

Success Strategies for Eng Directors

Ekan Subramanian

VP Engineering at Fingerprint

This Circle is designed to help Eng Directors transition into their new role and set them up for success. Learn how to shift from tactical to strategic thinking, and get tips and strategies to help you grow into a VP Engineering role. With my experience and expertise I can help you on your journey.

I have made this journey myself as a Director and had to learn quite a bit as I transitioned from managing individual contributors to managing managers as a director. I can help others who are here by sharing my experience, help them shift from tactical to strategic thinking which is important in this role. I'm excited to mentor Eng Directors and help them get the most out of their new role.

Eng Managers

Promote Yourself in Engineering Leadership with a Successful Podcast

Vidal Graupera

Engineering Manager at LinkedIn

In this Circle, I will introduce participants to the fundamentals of running a successful podcast for engineering managers. I will discuss how to create engaging podcast content and how to market it effectively. Participants will also gain insights from my experience running a successful podcast and YouTube channel about engineering leadership. Sessions will cover topics such as audience targeting, content creation, and promotion.

I am the founder and host of the Managers Club podcast and YouTube channel, dedicated to helping engineering managers with strategies to lead more effectively. I have gained valuable experience in audio and video production, marketing, and promotion. I'm excited to share my knowledge and help participants create and promote their own successful podcasts!

Eng Execs (VPs / CTOs)

Tackling Tech Debt: How to make the right call

Shannon Vettes

Leadership Coach in product and engineering at ImpalaPM.com

Engineering Execs and directors are often faced with the challenging decision of whether to prioritize tech debt or not. I've helped manage tech debt in different organizations, from b2b and b2c, to orgs with different levels of debt. Join me in this Circle, and I'll guide you through the choices and help you make the best decision for your organization.

From deep to minimal debt,I'm confident I can provide meaningful insights and strategies -- the hardest choices to make involve stopping product investment, so that is where I'd like to spend time with you all. I'm excited to introduce this Circle and help participants gain a better understanding of this complex topic!

Staff Engs+

Engineer to Manager: Is it the Right Move for You?

Sneha Singla

Director of Engineering at Salesforce

Are you an experienced engineer ready to take the next step in your career? This Circle will help you decide if transitioning to a management role is the right move for you. We'll bust myths, map the traits needed for success, and provide insight into what to expect before the title change.

I'm an experienced engineer who has been in the industry for many years. After much consideration, I decided to take the plunge and transition to a management role. Through my experiences, I've identified the pitfalls and rewards that come with making the shift. I'm excited to share my knowledge and help other engineers decide if this is the right move for them.

Eng Directors

At the top of the Career Ladder? Get to the Next Level

Stacie Frederick

CPO at Stanza Systems

Are you an experienced engineering manager, director, or “head of” with 3+ years of management experience and leading 20+ engineers? In this Circle, I'll walk through how to define your path for progression and promotion. I have coached leads, managers, and directors+ to reach their goals in small and large, startup and public companies. We’ll talk about where you are today, what to develop further, and how to convey progression in a way that allows for clear and objective feedback, discussion, or promotion.

I have designed and established engineering career ladders for multiple teams/companies and I'm excited to help you fill in the missing pieces if you've topped out of the career ladder. With my experience in small/large, startup/public companies, and coaching leads, managers, directors+, this circle can help you reach the next steps on your career path.

Eng Managers

Mastering the Art of Managing Staff+ Engineers

Rakesh Ravuru

Staff Machine Learning Engineer at Uber

This Circle helps Engineering Managers understand the complexities of high-impact projects undertaken by Staff+ engineers, while equipping them with strategies to foster autonomy, guide career progression and lead high-performance teams. I have extensive experience in this field and am excited to introduce participants to the latest tools and techniques to manage Staff+ engineers.

I am a seasoned Staff+ engineer with an extensive background in technical leadership. I have been deeply involved in intricate Staff+ engineering projects and fully appreciate the degree of autonomy that we, as professionals, need. I have played pivotal roles in high-performance teams, formulated strategies for career growth, and navigated through technical conflicts effectively. My passion lies in sharing this rich experience and technical expertise with Engineering Managers to equip them better in managing their Staff+ engineering teams.

Eng Managers

Engineering Leadership: How to Write Your Own Book

Vidal Graupera

Engineering Manager at LinkedIn

In this Circle, I'll help engineering managers promote themselves by writing their own book on engineering leadership. I have written 7 books, and have the experience to help you get started. Discover the key elements in writing a book on engineering leadership and learn the techniques to ensure success. Join the Circle today!

I have written 7 books on various topics, including engineering leadership. My knowledge and experience can help you write your own book on engineering leadership. I'm excited to explore the key components of writing a book with you, and help you along your journey to success.

Eng Managers

Tech Manager Bootcamp: Practical Tools for Real-World Leaders

This exclusive program is tailored for tech leaders and those looking to become tech managers. We will introduce participants to the fundamentals of leadership and self-awareness, as well as the requirements for executing and practicing strategies. We will also cover the specifics of managing people, time, products, operations, and quality. Join us and become the leader you always wanted to be!

I have been a tech manager for over a decade and have developed a successful track record of delivering results and leading high-performing teams. I am excited to share my knowledge and experience with the participants of the Tech Manager Bootcamp. Through our sessions, I will provide practical tools to help equip them with the skills and confidence to become real-world leaders.

Eng Execs (VPs / CTOs)

Navigating RIFs, Layoffs, and Everything In Between

Duncan Grazier

CTO at Weedmaps

In this Circle, I will guide executives (VPs and CTOs) who have never been through all the challenges they may face while navigating an industry-wide winter. We will discuss the best options for retention when it comes to layoffs, and how to handle the deep challenges mentally and emotionally as a leader during this time. Join me and learn how to navigate these difficult and uncertain times.

As a CTO, I have navigated multiple market fluctuations in companies of different sizes (public, startup, etc). I'm excited to mentor participants on this journey and introduce them to the strategies to lead during tough times.

Eng Managers

Build Strong Collaboration with Your Partners

Vikas Malhotra

Senior Engineering Manager at Facebook

This Circle is designed for both Line Managers and Manager of Managers to learn how to better collaborate with their partners. I have mentored and coached over 100 EM at Meta (Facebook) and Amazon. I have helped my org and my mentee EMs in building this sideway collaboration and alignment that helped teams deliver stronger on their goals. I'm excited to introduce the strategies and frameworks that will enable you to succeed in a matrix organization setup.

I have mentored and coached over 100 EM at Meta (Facebook) and Amazon. The most common challenge EMs face is with building strong partnerships with sister teams. I have helped my org and my mentee EMs in building this sideway collaboration and alignment that helped teams deliver stronger on their goals. Most companies/ org and teams are designed as matrix organization and hence there is a lot of inter-dependency. Over the last 10 years, I have helped my manages navigate and thrive in such matrix setup. I'm excited to teach this Circle and help you build strong collaboration with your partners.

Eng Managers

Leading High Performance Teams: Prevent Burnout and Build Trust

Cristina Carstea

Mindset Coach, Mentor, Organizational Consultant. Former Tech, FinTech, Risk Management at The Kind Code

This Circle is designed for Engineers, Staff Engineers, and Leaders in high-intensity, high-performance environments. We will discuss how to prevent burnout, prioritize ruthlessly, and build trust in yourself, your teams, and your stakeholders.

I have 9+ years of experience in a fast-growing HFT firm where extreme performance was the norm, and next to that 10+ years of self-work including psychotherapy, coaching, and supervision, so I can confidently introduce strategies and tools to manage intense environments.

I'm excited to share my knowledge and experience with participants.

I've worked for more than 9 years in a fast-growing HFT firm, where extreme performance was the norm. I've covered Engineering, Leadership, and Risk Management, experiencing the organization from multiple angles, and reporting into and working with all management lines up to C-level.

Complimentary to that, I've done 10+ years of self work including psychotherapy, coaching, supervision, and have learned a series of strategies and tools to adapt my mindset in healthy ways to intense environments.

These strategies are valuable for people in similar situations, and I'd be more than happy to share them.

Eng Managers

Fostering Psychological safety in hybrid meetings

Dipro Chatterjee

Engineering Manager at Booking.com

This circle will help you learn how to fostering Psychological safety in hybrid meetings, and learn tips on how to be an expert virtual facilitator. Mastering communication in hybrid settings is now a must have in leaders, and it does not stop at that. As a leader, you are expected to foster safety and trust in teams that barely meet in person. How do you help low performers improve and get mentorship and inspire your top performers, have accountability conversations and give constructive feedback , while remaining hybrid?

  1. Experience in distributed teams leadership.
  2. Consistent success in cross cultural communications and diverse teams.
Eng Managers

Successfully Transition into an Eng Manager Role and Thrive

Vikas Malhotra

Senior Engineering Manager at Facebook

In this Circle, I will introduce participants to the requirements needed to make a successful transition from IC to EM. I will provide guidance on Performance Management and Calibrations in order to set participants up for success. I will mentor participants to become better leaders and thrive in the Eng Manager role. Participants will gain the confidence needed to excel in their new role.

I have mentored and coached over 100 ICs to EM transitions at Meta (Facebook), am part of the decision making quorum for my organization's IC to EM pipeline, and am a calibrated performance reviewer at Meta. I am excited to mentor participants and equip them with the confidence and skills to successfully transition into an Eng Manager role and thrive!

Staff Engs+

Moving From Engineer to Manager

Alex Shaw

Chief Technology and Product Officer at MDRx

This Circle will provide insights to Lead Engineers interested in progressing into leadership roles. With my experience as a former Software Engineer who moved through to a Manager and eventually CTO, I've mentored and promoted engineers through teams, and developed teams to enable promotion and progression. Join me to boost your success as a leader!

I'm a former Software Engineer and moved through to Manager to become VP and CTO. I have mentored and promoted engineers through teams and developed people to enable promotion and progression. I'm excited to share my insights and help Lead Engineers to become successful Leaders of teams!


Uncertain About Management? Join My Circle To Find Clarity

Deekshita Amaravadi

Engineering Leader at Justworks

Are you a Senior IC considering a move into management but feeling unsure? My circle can help you gain clarity on what the right move for you is by providing you with a mentor that has gone through the same process, structure, and patience. Join me for an insightful conversation and learn more about the opportunities and requirements to make a successful transition.

I was in the same place a few years ago and it helped to have a mentor that provided me with the structure and patience to make the right decision. Now, I want to be that soundboard for other ICs that are also looking to make the move into management. I'm excited to introduce my circle to help anyone feeling uncertain about the transition gain clarity and make the best decision for their future.

Eng Managers

Go Crush FAANGM Interviews

Vikas Malhotra

Senior Engineering Manager at Facebook

I'm here to help Eng Managers (M1 and M2) in their interview preparation. With over 600 EM interviews conducted at Meta (Facebook) and Amazon, I have the necessary experience to help you succeed in your FAANGM interviews. I am part of the Hiring decision making quorum and I have trained over 100 EMs to help them be Interview Trained. I'm excited to introduce you to the skills and requirements necessary for a successful FAANGM interview!

In my career so far, I have interviewed over 600 EMs at Meta (Facebook) and Amazon, across interview skills such as System Design, Collaboration, People Management, Execution and Raising the Bar. I am a calibrated interviewer and part of the Hiring decision making quorum at my organization. I have also trained over 100 EMs to help them be Interview Trained.

Technical Founders

Validate Product & Reduce Time to Product Market Fit

Eugene Hauptmann

Founder, CEO, ex-CTO at Reactive Lions

This Circle is designed for early-stage founders who want to quickly validate their products and reduce time-to-market. Through a series of mentor-led sessions, participants will be introduced to the process, the tools and the strategies to quickly validate products and get them ready for the market. This Circle is led by Eugene Hauptmann, a technical founder who took startups from 0 to 1 dozen of times.

• took startups from 0 to 1 dozen of times • failed in trying hundreds of times and learnt from it • https://twitter.com/eugenehp/status/1625913559640072193?s=20

Eng Managers

Help Your Direct Reportees Succeed: Building Career Development Plans

Ahmed Othman

Software Engineering Manager at Zalando

Learn how to help your direct reportees reach their career goals by building a career development plan. In this Circle we'll discuss the best strategies for career planning, outline specific goals and objectives, and introduce proven methods for tracking progress. We'll also discuss how to foster an environment of growth and development, and how to manage expectations and communication.

With 6+ years of experience in engineering management, I have built and grown a team from 2 Engineers to a department of 3 teams (15 engineers) and have successfully promoted Senior Engineers to Principal Engineers and Engineering leaders. I understand the challenges of developing a successful career plan and am excited to mentor participants on how to build effective plans to help their direct reportees reach their goals.

Eng Managers

Turnaround Low Performers Playbook

Yan Collendavelloo

Senior Engineering Manager at Meta (Facebook)

This Circle will provide engineering managers with an effective playbook to turnaround low performers. Get the strategies to understand the root cause of low performance, identify the key areas of improvement, and develop solutions tailored to each individual while maintaining a healthy team culture. Uncover the best practices on how to manage low performers and ensure they reach their full potential.

I'm relevant for this Circle as I've turned around numerous low performers myself and coached many engineering managers both at Meta and outside on how to turn around low performers with demonstrated results. I've developed playbooks and frameworks that you can apply to make you more effective in resolving low performers and turning them around. I'm excited to share my knowledge and experience to help you turn around your low performers!

Eng Managers

Get Organized and Use Your Time Effectively

Yan Collendavelloo

Senior Engineering Manager at Meta (Facebook)

Are you an Engineering Manager who has an endless to-do list but never manages to tackle them? Learn how to use bullet journaling and other effective strategies to get the most important tasks done with power and efficiency. Join me and discover how to prioritize and start tackling the big things!

I've struggled with many tools to organize my time. From an endless to do list to flooding my desk with post its and crowed Eisenhower matrix. Then I discovered bullet journaling and it changed my life! I feel I'm on top of everything that's important, I'm dropping the less important tasks. I'm not only getting more things done but I'm getting the most impactful things done. I'm excited to mentor Engineering Managers on how to use their time effectively and get more impactful stuff done!

Eng Managers

Conflict Resolution & Collaboration for Engineering Managers

Yan Collendavelloo

Senior Engineering Manager at Meta (Facebook)

In this Circle, I will introduce effective frameworks for resolving conflicts quickly and effectively, optimising for outcomes for the business. We'll discuss how to collaborate well with partners (Product Managers for example) in order to create a successful team. No prior experience is required.

I have developed effective frameworks to resolve conflicts quickly and effectively, optimising for outcomes for the business. This is one of the reasons that got me promoted. As an experienced Engineering Manager, I'm excited to share my knowledge and help you understand how to make the organization move forward.

Eng Managers

Upskilling Your Team with Best Practices in Data Engineering

Amandeep Midha

ex-Data Architect at Traive Brasil

This Circle is for Eng Managers in the Data Engineering space to learn how to upskill their teams with best practices, knowledge sharing and exchanging. Certified SAFe DevOps Practitioner and Certified Confluent Developer for Apache Kafka (CCDAK), I'm an enthusiastic self-starter and have a flair for technology. My purpose is to drive meaningful change by engaging stakeholders, and I'm adept at executing complex data projects. I'm also an advocate of data architecture and microservices. I'm excited to introduce the participants to best practices in data engineering!

Enthusiastic Self Starter and Flair about Technology. Driven Change Influencer & Facilitator. Data Architecture & Microservices Advocacy in a Fun Way. Complex Data Projects Execution & Stakeholder Communication. Certified SAFe DevOps Practitioner. Certified Confluent Developer for Apache Kafka (CCDAK).

Eng Managers

Persuasion, Negotiation, and Communication Excellence

Limor Bergman Gross

Executive Coach at LBG Consulting Service Ltd

This circle is tailored for engineering leaders, including engineering managers and directors, seeking to enhance their leadership skills in persuasion, negotiation, and effective communication. As an experienced engineering leader in the tech industry, I understand the unique challenges that engineering leaders face and the critical importance of these skills in driving success in today's tech organizations.

What You Will Gain:

Mastering Persuasion: Explore the principles of persuasion and learn how to apply them in various leadership scenarios. Discover how to effectively influence and inspire your team, colleagues, and stakeholders. Negotiation Excellence: Develop the art of negotiation, from salary and benefits discussions to broader organizational negotiations. Acquire strategies and tactics to achieve win-win outcomes and advance your career. Effective Stakeholder Communication: Enhance your ability to communicate with stakeholders at all levels of your organization. Learn to convey technical information clearly, present with confidence, and adapt your communication style to different audiences.

I have firsthand experience transitioning from a software engineer to an executive in the tech industry, demonstrating that overcoming challenges and achieving career advancement is possible, even in demanding circumstances. As a woman myself, and with my focus on supporting women in leadership positions in the tech sector, I understand the unique obstacles and opportunities that women face in this field. My coaching is tailored to help women build confidence, leadership skills, and strategies for success.

I am committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. I work with both women and men, recognizing that a more inclusive workplace benefits everyone. I create a more diverse and equitable tech culture by empowering all leaders.

Eng Managers

Success Strategies for Engineering Managers

Alex Shaw

Chief Technology and Product Officer at MDRx

This Circle is designed for Engineering Managers with line management responsibility. During the Circle, I will introduce a framework that can be applied to engineers to help them achieve success in their roles. We will cover learning and development, resource management approaches, redundancy, personal improvement, radical candor and personal feedback. I have 20 years of experience leading software engineering teams and navigating rapid growth or decline in a range of businesses. I am excited to share these strategies with participants so they can be successful in their roles.

I have 20 years of experience leading software engineering teams across infrastructure, CI/CD, Software development, Product, Support and tech. I have navigated through several rounds of rapid growth or decline executing effective strategies for recruitment and redundancy while developing lots of online SaaS platforms and teams that operate them mostly on or around Unix & recently serverless AWS automated environments. I am excited to share my knowledge and strategies with participants to help them succeed in their roles.

Eng Managers

Lead with Authenticity and Vulnerability to Unlock Potential from Your Team

Deekshita Amaravadi

Engineering Leader at Justworks

This Circle will provide Engineering Managers of any experience with the tools and techniques to lead with authenticity and vulnerability in order to unlock their team's potential. Through interactive sessions, mentor-led discussions and personal reflection, participants will gain the knowledge and confidence to be the best leader they can be.

As an Engineering Manager, I understand the importance of being vulnerable and staying authentic in order to build trust within a team. I had amazing mentors who showed me it is ok not to be perfect all the time and how being true to myself would be more impactful in the long run. With this Circle, I am excited to share my knowledge and be a sounding board for participants in the community.

Eng Execs (VPs / CTOs)

Preparing Tech Execs for Technical Due Diligence

Federico Fregosi

Principal Consultant - AI & ML Practice at OpsGuru

The need to include an IT review during M&A Due Diligence is more significant than ever on both sides of a transaction. On the sell side, tech companies are eager to maximize their valuations or raise new capital in a difficult market. Execs and Tech Leads in startups, however, usually participate in only a few transactions in their careers and are unprepared for the process. This circle aims to help you in your M&A/investment journey: we will start with a thorough analysis of the technical Due Diligence process for tech companies from the first introduction to the final DPA (Definitive Purchase Agreement).

This Circle will introduce participants to the challenges and requirements of Technical Due Diligence. We'll do a deep dive into each core pillar: Strategy, System Architecture, Product, People, Process&Workflows & IT/Governance. Then, we'll see "why" we look at these topics, the most common questions, and the necessary document disclosures.

On the buy side, I have performed Tech Due Diligence in a number of transactions for PE firms and VCs. On the sell side, I have advised several startups in the process of receiving external investments.

I am a mentor for various startup accelerators in London and for Seedcamp, Europe’s leading seed fund.

Eng Managers

Leading with Empathy for Eng Managers

Roopali Singh

Director of Engineering at Walmart Global Tech India

This Circle is designed for Eng Managers to learn how to lead with empathy. In the VUCA world, leaders need to deal with change not just for business but at all dimensions of people also. Empathetic leaders build stronger relationships, better trust, and boost employee morale, resulting in higher productivity and improved overall team performance. I have been awarded multiple times under the category of empathetic people leader and will introduce the approach of active and unbiased listening. Join this Circle to make better-informed decisions and inspire your teams to achieve collective success.

In the VUCA world, leaders need to deal with change not just for business but at all dimensions of people also. I have been awarded multiple times under the category of empathetic people leader and use the approach of active and unbiased listening. I'm excited to introduce this Circle to Eng Managers to help them make better-informed decisions and inspire their teams to achieve collective success.

Eng Managers

Practical Tools for New Managers

Kiran Chitluri

Engineering Manager and Leadership Coach at Google

Are you a new manager feeling overwhelmed? I have 10+ years of management experience and understand the individual challenges each person is facing. In this circle, I will introduce practical tools to help you overcome common psychological challenges when transitioning into a leadership role.

I am an experienced Eng Manager with 10+ years of management experience and I've made many mistakes which I have learned from. I'm excited to provide guidance and support to participants in this circle on how to handle common psychological challenges as a new manager. Also this circle will be a great opportunity to network with other new leaders who may be able to support you in your journey as a leader.

Technical Founders

Navigate the World of Consumer Electronics and Hardware Manufacturing

Alex Neskin

founder and CTO at Petcube

Are you a technical founder of a hardware startup? Join me for a Circle to bring your hardware dreams to life. We will cover design, delivery and tackle the challenges in consumer electronics production. I will introduce you to the market, the different components and more.

  • Turned ideas into real gadgets that you can find in 21 countries.

  • Built an awesome manufacturing team in China and R&D in Ukraine to make this magic happen.

  • Led a production of 6 cool WiFi/BLE enabled cameras that not only work great but also look awesome - just ask the folks who gave us 6 Red Dot Awards :)

Eng Managers

Strategies for Reintegrating Personal & Professional Life After Maternity Leave

Cristina Carstea

Mindset Coach, Mentor, Organizational Consultant. Former Tech, FinTech, Risk Management at The Kind Code

Are you a first-time mother returning from maternity leave? Discover strategies to help you effectively transition back into the workplace and balance your personal and professional life. Led by a mentor who has lived and experienced this situation, join the circle and gain insights to help you as you make this transition.

I have firsthand experience transitioning back into the workforce while juggling motherhood. My formal education in transactional analysis and organizational development have equipped me with the knowledge to help female leads become more confident in reintegrating their personal and working life. I'm excited to introduce strategies and share my experiences with participants in this circle.

Staff Engs+

Building Products Compliant with GDPR and Similar Laws

Yves Gattegno

CEO and founder at SysStreaming

Learn how to build and maintain compliant products with GDPR and similar laws. As a former CTO and startup founder skilled in GDPR compliance and intellectual property, I can guide you through the technical and legal aspects of compliance. I'll introduce the requirements, help you implement best practices, and prepare your products for launch.

I'm a former CTO and startup founder skilled in GDPR compliance and intellectual property. I can speak both technicalese and legalese, so I'm well-positioned to mentor participants through building products compliant with GDPR and similar laws. I'm excited to offer my expertise and help participants create great products with solid compliance foundations.

Technical Founders

How to Communicate with Investors


Head of Engineering at Ankorstore

This circle is dedicated to helping technical founders in an early-stage investment environment enhance their communication with investors. Participate in pitch training to learn how to structure and deliver engaging pitches that resonate with investors. Improve your verbal and non-verbal communication skills to ensure your message is always effectively conveyed. Learn to bridge the tech-business gap by balancing technical explanations with business strategy. Master the craft of articulating your company's technical vision in a compelling way that aligns with investor interests.

As an experienced Head of Engineering, international speaker, and former operational committee member, I have played a key role in shaping the exit strategy of two top-of-the-market European fintech companies. I am excited to introduce participants to the craft of effective communication with investors, helping them reach their investment goals.

Approved Ideas

These ideas have reached the threshold of 10 upvotes and will be set live during the next Circles batch.

Eng Managers

Using Metrics to improve Engineering

Alex Shaw

Chief Technology and Product Officer at MDRx

This Circle will enable Engineering Managers to become more confident in identifying and understanding throughput metrics. We will build metrics from multiple sources including product, engineering and customer data to gain insights on how to improve your team's performance. Join me for this Circle and learn how to use metrics to your advantage.

I have experience in building metrics from multiple sources into development teams to improve their performance. I'm passionate about helping Engineering Managers to understand and leverage metrics to create successful teams. I'm excited to share my knowledge and help you become an expert in throughput metrics!

Eng Managers

Get Clarity on your Long-term Career Goals

Oliver Heckmann

Head of Engineering at Coda

Learn how to find the right next project or job that aligns with your longer-term career goals. With 15+ years of mentoring engineers and product managers at Google and outside Google, I will show you how to make better decisions that fit your goals, while accounting for culture and other factors. Join me to discover the techniques and strategies to help you get clarity on your future career.

I have done countless mentoring sessions for over 15 years with engineers at Google and outside Google about this topic. I have lived and worked in multiple different countries and cultures and experienced their way of thinking about this problem. I'm passionate about helping others succeed in their careers, and I'm excited to introduce this Circle to help participants build their confidence and skills in managing their longer-term career goals.

Eng Directors

Rituals of Great Teams - Learn From Top Tech Companies

Oliver Heckmann

Head of Engineering at Coda

Are you an Engineering or Product Manager running an organization of 20+? My colleagues and I here at Coda have led conversations with tech industry leaders from companies like Uber, Figma, Google, Facebook, etc. about the rituals they use to run their teams. We'll discuss these rituals, and how to adjust them to suit your needs.

I have hosted numerous conversations with industry leaders from top tech companies about their key rituals for running teams. In this Circle, I'm excited to introduce those rituals to Engineering Directors and discuss how to adjust them to fit the needs of their teams.

Eng Execs (VPs / CTOs)

Become an Effective Leader and Executive

Bashir Eghbali

SVP Data Cloud Acceleration at Zeta Global

This Circle is designed to help Eng Execs (VPs / CTOs) become effective leaders and executives that other senior leaders look to as a business partner nor as the tech guy/gal. I will guide participants through important regimes of prioritization and deprioritization, how to create clarity and purpose, and how to focus on the value and impact of the business. By the end, participants will know the levers to become a leader who moves the needle for the business.

I have years of experience as startup leader, transformational mid size company leader and eventually large company senior executive. I have focused on the intersection of strategy and execution to bring about impactful changes and move the needle for our company, shareholders and clients repeatedly


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