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Understanding the business value of what we are doing

First Session: 

Hosted by Danjue Li

Engineering Director at Google

Circle Description

Hey there! I'm Danjue Li, Director of Engineering at Google. As a versatile engineering leader, I have global experience in technology and management roles across software, networking, cloud, data, and video streaming domains. I'm passionate about building mission-based diverse teams, turning innovative ideas and technologies into products that offer differentiating business value, and creating inventive solutions to problems that matter. One important lesson that I learned throughout my career is understanding the business value of what I am doing and amplifying that value. A customer buys and uses a product or a service because the product or service delivers a promise of value that the customer is longing for. An employee chooses and stays at a company because it provides the value the employee is looking for, i.e., financial stability, career growth, professional network, excellent peer relationship, etc. We can view a business as a value delivery system that leverages its product or service offerings to deliver value to its target customers and employees. It will only succeed and thrive if it can provide superior value to them. No matter what business we are in, creating value is always essential. In this Circle, I'd like to start a conversation with our community to brainstorm how to build better product/service offerings and advance our career by understanding the business value of what we are doing and amplifying it. I am looking forward to meeting you!

This circle is full.

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  • Engage in interactive learning with a limited group of peers ( Full)
  • Bring your own challenges and the Danjue will be able to help in live
  • Lifetime access to all session material: slides, templates, recordings and additional resources


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