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Handling emotional reactions in meetings

First Session: 

Hosted by Archana Chaudhary

Senior Engineering Manager at Adobe

Circle Description

Being a girl and a woman engineering manager, I am mostly in meetings and situations where I am in minority. Not everyone in the room understands me and sometimes emotions go up and down. Last several years, I have worked hard to navigate my way successfully through this emotional roller coaster in the meetings. In this circle, I would like to hear from all of you about your experiences, share my strategies in specific situations and learn from each other. Minority presence, passion and emotions all go hand in hand. Let's learn how we can use these situations to our advantage.

This circle is full.

Benefits of joining this Circle:

  • Engage in interactive learning with a limited group of peers ( Full)
  • Bring your own challenges and the Archana will be able to help in live
  • Lifetime access to all session material: slides, templates, recordings and additional resources

What people are saying about Archana

Great chat with Archana. She always brings great insight to our conversations.

Nicolás Medeiros - Engineering Manager @ BacklotCars

Thanks Archana! Great feedback for my presentation

Nicolás Medeiros - Engineering Manager @ BacklotCars

Great initial conversation. Thanks Archana and I hope to continue learning from you!

Jo Miller - Associate UX Designer @ Caribou


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