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Archana Chaudhary

Senior Engineering Manager at Adobe

A yogi mom, Founder of SEEDS - a summer mobile challenge for college girls

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Joined Dec 2017

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A yogi mom, Founder of SEEDS - a summer mobile challenge for college girls


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I am Archana Chaudhary, Senior Engineering Manager at Adobe. I currently manage a software development team in Adobe Experience Cloud, where we build Mobile SDKs. These SDKs enable companies to know their users better and provide personalized experiences for engaging mobile engagement. Previously, I managed multiple development teams working in Adobe EchoSign, worked in startups, worked in Electronic Design Automation and did lots of volunteering. Outside of the workplace, I am a mentor to many women in tech, I work with women from 20 years old to 60+ year old. For last 5 years I run a summer mobile app development program as part of my SEEDS program, this program has empowered 150+ college girls to learn how to create socially useful mobile apps.


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