
Engineering Leader at a start up moving towards Enterprise

First Session



Every 2 weeks

Requirements to apply

  • - Is an Engineering Leader with at least 1 year of experience
  • - Works for a company with engineering size > 100 and total employees 200-1000
  • - Is looking for a peer group and engaged with the cohort through out and committed for that time with the group

Peer Group Members

Deekshita Amaravadi

Engineering Leader at Justworks

Limited to 4 spots

Cost per session: $50

Benefits of joining this Peer Group

  • Join a small group of peers to network and collaborate: limited to 5 spots
  • Curated group of peers meeting specific requirements to ensure relevancy
  • Meet on a regular cadence: every 2 weeks , to share your challenges and get help from your peers
  • Build a strong relationships with your peers, connect during meetings and in between meetings


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