
Connect with a small Group of Peers to Learn and Grow Together.

How Peer Groups Work:


Join a peer group by answering questions about your personal leadership challenges.

Learn and Grow

After acceptance, join a small peer group for regular collaborative discussions and growth.

Get even more perspectives

You will be able to invite speakers to your peer group to get more outside perspectives.

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What people are saying about Peer Groups

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What I loved about Peer Groups is the feeling of working on problems together, riffing off different ideas and constraints, as apposed to a more experienced person who is more likely to be prescriptive at advice and dismissive of constraints.

Mark Roddy - Fractional VP Engineering @ launchit.ai

  • peer-group

Having a group of like minded individuals with no strings attached is amazing. I feel comfortable sharing issues I'm dealing with and seeing what others are struggling with too

AJ Zane - Software Engineering Manager @ Measurabl

  • peer-group

I enjoyed the small group size, that we had an open ended question that seeded the discussion, everyone participated, everyone was respectful, that we connected afterward.

Alex Khadiwala - ex Head of Engineering @ InsurGrid

  • peer-group

I like collaborative conversations where everyone gets to have a say. Also sharing content of the discussion and what to think about ahead of time is always super helpful!

Neshay Ahmed - CTO & co-founder @ Wavy

  • peer-group

I loved the engagement and new perspectives that each one of them bring to the table

Harsha Shekar - Engineering Manager @ Atlassian

  • peer-group

It's great to have peers share common challenges within the context of the org though. With external peers, focus on industry practices & shared learning is great.

Vishal Sadhnani - Engineering Manager @ Atlassian


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