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Leading teams from small companies to big ones. What translates and what doesn't

First Session: 

Hosted by Rich Sun

Sr Technical Director, Game Studio at Netflix

Circle Description

I've been an engineering manager of some variety since around 2005, mostly in the games industry, and mostly at small to VERY small companies, including my own co-founded venture that stayed around 10 people. Most recently I've been at Facebook as an EM of product for the upcoming Horizon VR product that was announced at end of last year. Hope to have interesting discussions around what stays the same and what is wildly different in big teams in big companies, and small teams in small companies. Bring your unique journey and perspective. I want to learn as much as I share. [Apologies for being late on session 1, something last minute at work cropped up. I will not be for sessions 2-4. If you dropped because I took too long, deeply apologize. Please ping me if you'd like to connect to make up for the missed time]

This circle is full.

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  • Engage in interactive learning with a limited group of peers ( Full)
  • Bring your own challenges and the Rich will be able to help in live
  • Lifetime access to all session material: slides, templates, recordings and additional resources


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