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Hosted by Bruce Wang
Dir of Engineering, Games Developer Platform at Netflix
Circle Description
A series of 4 weekly meetups where Directors of Engineering support each other by sharing obstacles and successes, and create a community during the challenging times we're living in. Topics include: (1) Building a great culture, (2) Measuring performance and setting goals, (3) Being a great coach to your team (and the power of 1x1s), and (4) Building strong cross-functional alignment & communication. Led by a Director of Engineering from Netflix, Bruce Wang!
This circle is full.
I am always impressed with Bruce's ability to listen and give spot-on advice on how to deal with any situation. I experienced burnout recently and Bruce was really able to figure out (by asking the right questions) why did this happen to me, and how to deal with it in the future. He can give very good advice, but also guide you such that you are able to figure out what to do on your own. I think Bruce helps to not only to grow as a leader, but most importantly as a person. Really "eye-opening" mentorship! :)
Adam Przywarty - Software engineer @ maze.co
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