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Influencing Through Storytelling (for Engineering & Product Leaders)

First Session: 

Hosted by Anthony Bull

VP Product & Engineering at Myna (myna.co)

Circle Description

Having difficulties addressing tech debt as part of the roadmap? Can't get the headcount you (think you) need? Process adoption not going quite like you thought it should? Still seeking that promotion? Whether your audience is 1 or 1,000,000 - co-located or distributed - persuading others means putting yourself in their shoes, collaboratively framing your needs while convincing decision-makers how your ask is in their best interests. Having a seat at the table as an Engineering/Product Leader means understanding the emotional appeal of your ask, repeating it as necessary to sell the message, leveraging enrollment and consensus-building, all in an effort to negotiate your position. Join me for this practical Joseph-Cambell-inspired-workshop to refine your skills of persuasion. You’ll leave with a pitch strategy immediately benefitting your most pressing challenge.

This circle is full.

Benefits of joining this Circle:

  • Engage in interactive learning with a limited group of peers ( Full)
  • Bring your own challenges and the Anthony will be able to help in live
  • Lifetime access to all session material: slides, templates, recordings and additional resources


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