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From Engineering Leader to Vice President - Accelerating Your Technical Career

First Session: 

Hosted by

Wayne Duso

Vice President at Amazon Web Services

Circle Description

My name is Wayne Duso, and I am the Vice President of Edge Computing, File Services, and Data Services for Amazon Web Services (AWS). I also started the Boston office for AWS, which has grown to a 1K+ person site leading our R&D efforts for some of the most recognized AWS services, including EFS, FSx, Migration Hub, and so many more! I'm a curious and articulate entrepreneur who's passionate about building teams, launching products, and growing businesses that deliver highly disruptive value for customers. I am excited to be a part of this effort to bring more minorities and people of color into leadership roles in enterprise technology companies. As the active sponsor of several minority leaders in my organization, I'm eager to help others find their sponsors to accelerate their careers. 

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  • Engage in interactive learning with a limited group of peers ( Full)
  • Bring your own challenges and the Wayne will be able to help in live
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