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Crafting your role as an IC

First Session: 

Hosted by

Sara Garner

Infrastructure Engineer at Stripe - Sara Garner

Circle Description

To feel fulfilled in your role, it often helps to negotiate to get more time to do what you enjoy doing, and more time to work on new opportunities that will stretch you. To do this, it will be important to find the right team and company where you have this room to negotiate, and to have open and ongoing conversations with your manager to make sure you're moving in the direction you want to be and meeting expectations while working to make them your own. Depending on what the group is interested in, we'll discuss some of these topics: * How to determine if a company/team is the right fit for you (what questions to ask, what to look for to determine it's inclusive and matches your ambitions) * Negotiating your role (how can you ask for different responsibilities or make sure you have ownership opportunities) * How to know how you're performing (being proactive in asking for feedback, how to run check-ins with your manager) * How to influence the team you're on (if the team isn't using company best practices around documentation for example, how do you get your team to change?) Previously I've worked at Facebook and Houseparty (a 50 person startup), so I can help with a few sizes and types of companies.

This circle is full.

Benefits of joining this Circle:

  • Engage in interactive learning with a limited group of peers ( Full)
  • Bring your own challenges and the Sara will be able to help in live
  • Lifetime access to all session material: slides, templates, recordings and additional resources


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