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Career paths in tech: From getting in the door to having run of the house

First Session: 

Hosted by

Abbas Haider Ali

Head of Value Engineering & Success at Segment

Circle Description

I've been lucky enough to have a 20+ year career in tech spanning giant companies like IBM, all the way down to Series-B startups. I've lead product, engineering, marketing, sales, sales engineering, customer success, professional services, and business development teams. That's only been possible because I initially fell into and then learned how to actively identify opportunities to expand my skills into all of these domains where I was working. That in turn created momentum for me to take on increasing responsibilities from Principal individual contributor roles to the C-suite. I've been mentoring and coaching people for a number of years now and I enjoy it greatly. One of the most rewarding parts of those experiences is this particular topic -- How do you get your into your first tech gig and then parlay that into a career that also gives you the opportunity to explore multiple paths and not get type-cast into any one thing.

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