Staff Engs+

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Build highly efficient and impactful teams with no burnout

First Session: 

Hosted by Shobhit Agarwal

Sr. Staff Software Engineer at Cohesity

With 10 years of experience as a technical leader setting the future direction for teams, I have the expertise to mentor participants in getting more out of their team and finishing projects on time. I'm excited to lead the participants through a series of interactive sessions in which they can explore and apply the techniques to increase their team's effectiveness and efficiency. My goal is to help them become better tech leaders and contribute to their projects' success.

Circle Description

This 4-session online circle will help tech leaders leading a 5-10 member team(s) for one or multiple projects to increase their productivity and improve their team's performance. We will discuss the different approaches to increase productivity, strengthen collaboration and communication, and successfully deliver projects with high quality on time. At the end of the circle, participants will have the tools to get the most out of their team and elevate some team members as the next-gen leaders.

Limited to 8 spots

Total Cost:  $200

Pay with your L&D budget

Benefits of joining this Circle:

  • Engage in interactive learning with a limited group of peers ( limited to 8 spots)
  • Bring your own challenges and the Shobhit will be able to help in live
  • Lifetime access to all session material: slides, templates, recordings and additional resources


  • Leaders of 5-10 member team(s)
  • 8-12 Years of experience in engineering leadership
  • 1k - 10k
  • Tech Lead/Staff Engineer/Manager


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