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An oversea junior IC journey

First Session: 

Hosted by Paul Salmon

Tech Lead at Plato

Circle Description

Hi, I'm Paul, a french full-stack software developer at Plato, and aspiring engineering manager. I've been moving across the world, in some of the biggest tech hubs: Paris, London, Sydney and San Francisco, as an IC developer in emerging start-ups. The journey was tough and challenging, but I've always had good people looking up for me and helping me grow. I can help you prepare your way to travel across the world to become a software engineer, and give you some advices I received from amazing mentors here at Plato on how to prepare your long-term career. Questions I can help with are: - What I wished someone told me before I start as an IC in a start-up? - How to approach a new job, in a foreign country, in a different culture? - How to work on leadership skills, while not being a manager? - How to build empathy and communication with non technical folks? - How to make a first good impression, by starting a new job with candidness and an open-mind? - How to strive into quickly learning new technologies and processes?

This circle is full.

Benefits of joining this Circle:

  • Engage in interactive learning with a limited group of peers ( Full)
  • Bring your own challenges and the Paul will be able to help in live
  • Lifetime access to all session material: slides, templates, recordings and additional resources


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