
Tackling Tech Debt

Daniella Bae

Engineering Operations Program Manager at Rubrik

Commitment: ~1 hrs
Reward: $1000
Deadline to apply:Loading...(accepting late applications)

We are looking to bring in a guest speaker to give a 30 minute talk to our managers and senior engineers at Rubrik on how to deal with technical liability (tech debt) when you have a loaded product feature roadmap. We would like for them to share practical strategies and best practices for effectively identifying, prioritizing, and managing tech debt to improve our development process.


Problem or Description

We are looking for one speaker to talk to our engineering managers and senior engineers on how to tackle tech debt. We want our audience to learn strategies on how to effectively manage and prioritize tech debt.

Requirements to apply

  • Director level and above

  • Experience working within an Engineering team of 500+

  • Plus if you have experience working with engineers across different geo-locations


We would like to schedule this session in the third week of August, but we can be flexible with the exact date and time

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