
Guest speaker for Engineering Managers

Mona Agrawal

Senior Director of Engineering at Betterment

Commitment: ~1 hrs 30 min
Reward: $1000
Deadline to apply:Loading...(accepting late applications)

We're looking to host a guest speaker for ~40 Engineering Managers to share their expertise and experience leading high-performing engineering teams. We are looking for an engaging and skilled speaker.


We would like to host a guest speaker to share their experience and expertise leading engineering teams. Topics can range from performance management, change management, conflict resolution, cross-functional collaboration, and innovation and alignment. We are open to topics and want to hear what topics you are most skilled and versed to speak on.

Ideal structure: 40 min talk, 20 mins Q&A

Requirements to apply

  • Experience with public speaking

  • Leadership role in an innovative, fast-paced company

  • NY or Tri-State preferred

  • In-person event at our NYC office

  • Be willing to collaborate with our team to customize content

  • Be willing to have an initial screening interview


Dates are flexible. Ideally we would like to host the event in early March.


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