
“There are no bad days.”

Christian Byza

Senior Product Manager at LinkedIn



"I am a senior product manager, but this also applies if you're a product manager, an engineering manager, or in any other position where you have people follow your lead and report to you. In these positions there are constantly things to worry about, for example product reviews or engineering reviews, that can alter the state of your mood and of those around you. There will be situations where things are going poorly, not in your favor, or they end in failure. But how do you manage all the bad, the stress, the failures, so that you as a leader can be a pillar of positivity and radiate optimism throughout the team and company?"

Actions taken

"Begin by never having a bad mood in front of your big team. If you have a bad mood and you come into the office grumpy it affects other people. Leave your problems at home, or if they are office problems handle them privately. You're that person that people look up to. Have the mentality of being and staying positive. I like to live by the statement, 'There are no bad days.' If you live up to this principle you and your team with benefit immensely."

"I also think it's super critical to report all your wins. Even if it is just a small success, share it with others. I suggest having a distribution email list composing of product managers and engineers so that everyone is included. Whenever there is a new feature or something to be celebrated, send out an email. Show the team members the visibility of what you're actually working on. Celebrate the success. I'm not saying neglect failures, because it's also important to talk about the negatives and how things are not working, but talk about problems privately, in one-on-ones or with your peers in order to optimize the flow with management. Don't talk about the problems in big public forums. In front of the whole team stay positive and push things forward. If you celebrate the wins it's easier to move on after failures."

"Lastly, in meetings, it's so important to start with something positive. Cheer people up first and then if there is something critical, or not nice, you can say it afterwards. But say something positive first. I think that's very important."

Lessons learned

"Staying positive and celebrating success is not just something for the workplace. Sure, I understand that everyone has a bad day, but especially if you are in a position of leadership, if you are positive in and out of the office then your energy and optimism will spill over to those around you."

"I also learned that it's equally beneficial to start and end meetings with something positive. Starting with something encouraging helps throughout the meeting but if you cheer people up at the end then that energy will carry throughout the rest of the day. I high-five or fist-bump people when we're finished with meetings, but this is probably not suitable for everyone. Find something that works well for you and your team and be that pillar of positivity who boosts everyone's morale."

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Christian Byza

Senior Product Manager at LinkedIn

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