
Building A Passionate Team

Ali Seyedmehdi

Head of Remote, People and Operations (COO) at Publitas.com



My company decided to build teams based on the team member's passions and strengths, such as those who are very good at execution, and others who are very good at relationship building.

Actions taken

We used a personality assessment test by Gallup, called Strengthsfinder, to determine the strengths of each of our applicants. This tool asks you a set of questions, and based on your responses gives you your top thirtyfour strengths. We focus on the top five, as this gives us a great idea of what type of people our applicants are. When we hire any new people, we try not to hire people with the same strengths. Instead, we try to focus on different strengths to set up a more cohesive and diverse team.

"People are happier and more passionate in their jobs, as the roles are more aligned with their strengths and passions."

For example, one of my top strengths is responsibility and another is consistency. I am responsible for the performance and uptime of our application, so this is a 100% fit for my strength. I need to be consistent in checking the application every day to make sure it is still performing as expected. If an error appears, I also have to follow it up, and I feel a responsibility to have the best quality provided for our customers. I'm very happy in my role, as it fits my top strengths. I also have harmony as one of my top strengths, so regularly coach and mentor other people in my company.

We also redo the test every two years, as your strengths can change based on your age, interests and personal development. This then allows us to adapt and change the types of work people are working on. The top three strengths are generally pretty consistent. However, some of the lower ranked strengths will change and move about.

Lessons learned

People are happier and more passionate in their jobs, as the roles are more aligned with their strengths and passions. Everyone is happy in their role, and if they expressed dissatisfaction, we could examine their strengths to find a role that would be a good fit for them.

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Ali Seyedmehdi

Head of Remote, People and Operations (COO) at Publitas.com

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