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Alexis Monville

Co-founder and Leadership Coach at Pearlside (pearlside.fr)

Leadership Coach - Angel Investor

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Joined Jul 2023

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Leadership Coach - Angel Investor


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As a seasoned leader with over 30 years of management experience, Alexis Monville is dedicated to helping startups and scaleups thrive by fostering and nurturing a unique culture. With a passion for guiding organizations through growth and transformation, Alexis has a keen understanding of the challenges and opportunities that entrepreneurs face. Drawing from his diverse background, which includes serving as a Chief of Staff and working extensively in open source, Alexis brings a unique perspective to his advisory roles. His experience as a Chief of Staff to senior executives has honed his strategic thinking, operational expertise, and ability to drive meaningful change. Additionally, Alexis has a deep-rooted connection to the open-source community. Having worked with organizations like Red Hat, a leading open-source software company, Alexis understands the power of collaboration, innovation, and community-driven development. He believes that a strong and vibrant culture is the foundation for success in startups and scaleups. An agile and visionary thinker, Alexis is committed to empowering teams and individuals to achieve their full potential. He believes that a strong culture, built on trust, collaboration, and innovation, is essential for startups and scaleups to thrive in today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape. With a deep understanding of the startup ecosystem, Alexis aspires to leverage his experience as a Chief of Staff, his expertise in open source, and his passion for fostering unique cultures. As a startup advisor, he provides strategic guidance, mentorship, and insights gained from years of experience navigating complex organizational landscapes. He works closely with founders and teams to help shape their culture, align their values, and create an environment where innovation and success can flourish. Furthermore, Alexis is eager to contribute to the broader business community and actively seeks opportunities to serve on boards. With


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