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Murugesh Annadurai

Director of Engineering at Xendit

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Joined Apr 2021

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Hi, I'm Murugesh, currently working as the Director of Engineering at Xendit, one of the fastest-growing fintech companies in Southeast Asia. At Xendit, I lead a 450+ members engineering organization. My role involves hiring senior managers and engineers and devising strategies and processes to scale the org. I recently moved to Singapore as part of my job after living and working in the US for 14 years. Before Xendit, I worked at a Proptech startup in the Bay Area. I joined them as the first engineer and helped grow the company from stealth mode to Series B, going from 4 to 80+ employees. Having worked in super early to growth-stage startups, I can share my experiences building and scaling teams and technologies while continuing to deliver customer value at a regular cadence. If that interests you, contact me, and I would love to share my learnings.


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