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jerome basdevant

CTO and cofounder at Datamaran

Founder | Technology and AI

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Joined Dec 2020

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I am cofounder of the company and heading the Product, Technology, and AI teams behind our SaaS Platform My current focus is on building a great team that will allow us to demonstrate further how emerging risks and non-financial issues (including ESG) can be better identified, measured, and monitored through the use of AI and LLM. I previously worked in a wide variety of technical and analytic roles - 17+ years of experience building and leading international cross-functional teams to design and deploy innovative B2B solutions, processes and analytics - 12 years of experience advising Sales and Marketing organizations in US and Europe. - Large Business Intelligence, SaaS, Analytic and Data Warehousing experience through product development and project delivery - Certified Analytics Professional (CAP™)


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