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Dan Walmsley

Lead Architect at Jetpack

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Joined May 2020

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Currently working at Automattic, helping grow the publishing platform that powers 25+% of the web. Previously CTO of NationBuilder and Purpose. Team leader and entrepreneur with a creative bent and experience establishing and leading a product-focused technology company, agency or team. Software engineer with 15+ years of commercial experience, with proven skills in web platform development, social network integration and data processing. Passionate about research, IT product development, and building motivated teams of brilliant people. Experience in open source/free software platforms for development. Diverse background in design, production, acting, creative writing and theatre directing. Long-time commitment to social/environmental activism and combating climate change. Specialties: Team building/leadership, Product development, Ruby/Java/Javascript/Perl/C++ programming, Rails, Apache Wicket, scalable database design and optimisation, media transcoding and delivery, ecommerce, security.


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