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Dan DiGangi

Senior Engineering Manager at React Loop

Senior Eng Manager | Tech Mentor

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Joined Aug 2021

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Senior Eng Manager | Tech Mentor


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Hello! My name is Dan DiGangi. I am a 15+ year veteran across a variety of industries and jobs in software engineering. Since becoming a manager 4+ years ago one of my passions has been mentoring others to success. I learned much later in my career that some of the growth I sought after didn't come because of a lack in mentorship. It's something I truly care about and I'd love to work together. My background is heavily weighted towards design, user experience, and client side development but I do manage full stack engineering teams. Currently I am working at Arrive Logistics as a senior engineering manager. Below are some ways that I can help whether you're an engineer, manager, or something else entirely! General: - Professional development (skills outside the technical (crucial for higher level jobs)) - Define a career path and achieve it - Interviews, role play, salary negotiation, and getting the job (I'm a hiring manager in Big Tech) - Building project plans, technical strategy, managing projects and executing consistently People/Leadership: - Building hiring/interview process - Hiring/growth of high performance teams - Building DEI, empathy, feedback, and transparency (an environment of values and culture you stick to) - Develop your unique leadership style, professional network, and circle of influence - Conflict management - Cross-partner collaboration or supporting customers - Fostering the growth of your team and providing career guidance Technical: - Build technical skills (software dev, systems design, UI, etc.) - Review software architecture or systems design (more experience client side but have built throughout the stack) Some examples of who I can help: - New to your career and/or the industry - Transitioning to a technical career from another industry - Having a hard time getting your first job - Transitioning to management from individual contributor - Senior engineer moving to Lead level - Getting out of a performance improvement plan successfully (PIP) - Struggling to hire a team or build


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