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Chris Schillinger

Senior Director of Engineering at Flatiron Health

Passionate about mentorship, coaching, servant leadership styles, and organizational design to set teams up for success

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Joined Apr 2023

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I'm passionate about mentorship because I love helping people level-up their impact! I ask a lot of questions. I share my own lived experiences for context and to offer guidance. I coach where it seems helpful. I have a book recommendation for every situation. I love analogies to make a point, and specific examples to make a plan. I'm an engineer by training and wrote code on the front lines for 11 years across many different industries. I've found myself in leadership roles (both IC and management) for 11 years and counting, have managed direct reports for all but 4 of those, and transitioned to managing managers (Director role) 3.5 years ago (and counting). My management style is very much that of "servant leadership", focused on creating the conditions for my teams to be successful, driving alignment, and offering help where needed. The folks I've been able to help the most on this platform have been: Front-line Managers looking to take on new responsibilities or facing a new challenge, First-time Managers, First-time Directors, Staff+ Engineers


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