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Bhavesh Patel

Senior Director Of Engineering at AlphaSense

Engineering Leadership | MVP Building/Scoping | Recruitment

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Joined Feb 2023

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I'm Bhavesh Patel, the Director of Engineering at AlphaSense. With over 18 years of experience in building products using multiple tech stacks with distributed architecture, I have enabled many startups to bring their visions to life. Currently, I lead multiple product teams, focusing on the tech stack which includes Java Spring, Python, Node.js, Python, Postgres, MongoDB, and more, deployed on various clouds. I have worked in all stages of a startup, from ideation and MVP building to growth and expansion. I also specialize in effectively scoping products from a long-term road map down to sprint-level tasks. Furthermore, I have built and grown successful engineering teams over the years in various roles, levels, and skills. My engineering processes are continuously refined and fine-tuned to ensure the best results. Above all, my focus is on aligning business goals with the best tech solutions available.


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